TGCU donates a brand new Mitsubishi Double cabin pickup to the President, COVID-19 task force.

September 17, 2020 1:50 pm
The Grain Council of Uganda (TGCU) today handed over the a brand new Mitsubishi Double cabin pickup to COVID-19 Task force.
According to the press statement issued, “To support this cause and in response to HE The President’s call for support from the public, we have donated a brand new Mitsubishi Double cabin pickup to support the Ministry of Health unit responsible for collection of COVID 19 samples.”
TGCU is member’s organization comprising more than 100 players in the Grain Value Chain including farmers and farmer groups, millers, grain aggregators and processors, exporters, warehouse owners and Area cooperative Enterprises.
Chairman, Mr. Chris Kaijuka, further called on all government agencies concerned pay attention and address the very urgent need to ensure there is planting of food during the current rains. This will ensure that the current COVID 19 crisis does not extend into August and beyond as a famine caused by lack of planting of grains, pulses, vegetables and other foods during this lock down period.